
I provide expertise and advisory services on AI Futures, Sustainable Design, CARICOM, AI Governance, Computational Rhetoric and Digital Identity, as well as Design & Design Thinking Frameworks. Additionally, I lecture at the university level in Design Strategy and Rhetoric and am the co-founder of Human Tech Futures, focusing on AI Futures, Policymaking, and Design Thinking. You can always find my my most recent talks listed below, with more upon requests:

Other Selected Publications

  • June 2024: RQS Journal Article (Special Issue): Sex After Technology: The Rhetoric of Health Monitoring Apps & the Reversal of Roe vs. Wade

  • June 2024: "Navigating the Digital Wave: Safeguarding Caribbean Identity in the Age of AI & Emergent Technology" a talk at the Caribbean Studies Association held in St. Lucia

  • April 2024: MIT - “How to Govern AI” panel

  • April 2024: "Inclusive Futures: Sustainable Technology for Gender Empowerment," World Association of Sustainable Development

  • Nov 2022: ARSTM Presentation: Sex After Technology: Rhetoric of Health Monitoring Apps & the Reversal of Roe vs. Wade

  • June 27, 2022: Presenter - HCII 2022 – "Conversation Towards AI-HCI Heuristics"

  • May 16, 2022: Panel - “AI 5 Ways” – University of Waterloo, Critical Media Lab

  • March 28-31, 2022: Guest Speaker - “Environmental Life Cycle Assessment in Design” conference. “Dashboards and UI/UX for LCA Data integration,” hosted by NJIT

  • 2021: IEEE - ISTAS. Co-chair: “A Conversation with Safiya Noble – Technology, Race & AI

  • 2021: IEEE - ISTAS. Presenter: “AI Literacy – A Cross Disciplinary Exploration

  • 2021 (March 12-14): BLND Conference (University of Waterloo's Stratford School of Interaction and Business), Keynote Speaker – “Sustainable UX – What Progress Have We Made as Designers?”

  • 2021: Workshop Chair, “Feminism, Social Justice, and AI” Workshop, hosted by the University of Waterloo Philosophy Department, ON, Canada.

  • 2020: DESIGNTO – Speaker: “Bias in Design” - Event Women that Make, Create, and Innovate (Winner of the People’s Choice: Favourite Event DESIGNTO Festival)

  • 2020: Presenter “Women in the Future of Work” – Humber College, ON

  • 2011: User Experience in the Age of Sustainability (highly cited/academic text)